Monday, February 22, 2010

Arrived in Malta!

Well, I (Kes) have left Norway! I feel like it happened so fast. We had a great weekend with our friend in Switzerland (we touristed, ate, drank, skied, carnivaled) and now here I am in Malta.

I arrived Wednesday evening, ski bag in tow. This resulted in some strange looks at the airport to say the least, and my taxi driver asking me if I golfed. When I explained they were snow skis, he looked at me very seriously and informed me Malta has no snow. I then had the closest moment in my life to being James Bond. The driver handed me a package containing a cell phone, keys, and an address.

The apartment looks less-than-loved from the outside. I’m starting to realize that
a) There is a lot of dust here, so things look old somewhat instantly. My once-spiffy rental car is looking a little unloved after 3 days without a wash.
b) I don’t think people place as much emphasis in this culture on outward appearances (of buildings), and outward appearance does not necessarily reflect quality. Ashley said he had the same experience in China. The apartment is perfectly functional (although lacking in internet, which is frustrating).

‘Pretty Bay’, where the apartment is located, is an ode to the industrial success of Malta as there is a giant cargo ship loading place that dominated the landscape. At night it’s like a Christmas tree. I quite enjoy it, but people down here largely think it unsightly.

Off to work early on Thursday (I became paranoid I’d mis-set my clock and thus went for a run at 5, not 6 am) Somewhere nearby there is definitely a rooster, which goes off around 5:30. Church bells begin ringing merrily at 05:45, which I think is awfully optimistic of them, although traffic starts to pick up around 6:15 so maybe not.

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