Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Alphonse has his packing suit on.....

Packing is solidly underway at the Morton household, as you can see by the bubble wrap on Alphonse, as well as the general disarray in the house. I heard from the company that my ticket is now booked for Feb 17th (Zurich to Malta- We'll be visiting with a friend in Lucerne Feb 12th-17th).
Alphonse (perhaps Grandma Morgan can suggest a more accurate spelling) is a china bull near and dear to my heart. As a child, I always wanted to play with Alphonse at Grandma's house, but as he was china, this was a no-go. So, when Grandma moved last, she asked what had sentimental value for me, and I replied 'Alphonse'. Turns out Grandma was unaware of my sentimental attachment to this china bull, and in fact had been secretly hoping for an accident to befall dear Alphonse to remove his presence from her house... So Ashley and I became the proud new owners, and moving to Norway we took one piece of thoroughly pointless sentimental art with us - he took a lovely carving, I took Alphonse. Sadly Alphonse suffered a broken leg on the journey, but through tender loving care and some ceramic glue, he's good as new and ready for his trip to Malta. Better packing this time, and if he's really good, he may get to be carry on.
Otherwise, we are using the Tara Connelly packing method of 'need', 'want' and 'don't want' to sort ourselves into three categories. Need will come in the first trips, followed by whatever of the want makes the cut. 'Need' of course in my life is not really 'need', since it includes things like textbooks, mascara, and new shoes (thanks mom!). Really I don't 'need' these things, more like 'really really want' or 'don't want to have to replace'.
In packing solidarity, my parents have just decided to sell their home to boot, so all storage options there are now over. Looks like the 6 cubic metres of stuff from Canada may be increasing....unless anyone want a dressage saddle?

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